Registrations Closed! Please fill additional details if you haven't already here!


rules & information
  1. UG/PG under the age of 25 from the invited colleges. They must present a valid Aadhar card and College ID during registration.
  2. Each University/College/Institution must appoint a Point of Contact (Team Leader) for every event who will be in contact with the Fitoor x Prayas team for registration and updates.
  3. Participants can register for as many events as they would like provided there are no scheduling conflicts. It is the responsibility of the participants to ensure they do not register for overlapping events. The Organizing Committee will not be responsible for accommodating such requests.
  4. All event participants will be given an e-certificate of participation. Those who win events will be given a certificate of merit in addition.
  5. Group music and dance teams may bring one or two additional non-performing members to help with sound cues, light cues, and other technical support. These participants will also need to pay the event fee and will count as a member of the team.
  6. Participants are permitted to attend both days of the fest as long as they have registered for an event of the fest.
  7. Day 1 concludes at 9 PM, and Day 2 concludes at 8 PM; all participants must leave by these times, except hackathon participants on Day 1.
  8. All event related communication will be done through WhatsApp groups which would be made closer to the event date.
  9. General updates and communication regarding the fest would be done via the website and the Instagram pages.
  10. Participants are required to report to the registration desk 1 hour prior to the stipulated time of their registered event. They need to be at the venue of the event at least 15 minutes before it starts. Venue details will be published closer to the fest dates.
  11. All final decisions regarding judgement and disqualifications remain with the Judges and the Organizing Committee. Please refer to the event specific rules and guidelines for detailed descriptions regarding your event.
  12. A team will be eligible for prizes, only if they are found to be in accordance with all the rules and guidelines.
  13. The organizing committee will reach out to the winning teams/participants to confirm their bank details within 7 days.
  14. The cash prizes would be transferred to the winning teams/participants after confirming their bank details post-event.
  15. The prizes will only be given to the team leader.
  16. The rules on this webpage are to be considered final.
  1. Every participant must always carry their college ID card. Adherence to Plaksha University's rules and regulations is mandatory for all participants and contingent members while on the premises.
  2. On arrival at the gate, all participants and attendees will be provided with an entry band and they must wear their wrist-bands at all times. These are non-transferable.
  3. Plaksha maintains strict policies against Substance Abuse, Violence, and Sexual Harassment, and Property Damage. Violations will result in disqualification from the event without a refund.
  4. The fest cannot be held responsible for any loss or theft of items.
  5. It is not allowed to carry any liquids on campus. You are allowed to carry empty water bottles.
  6. No person can bring any contraband or intoxicants on campus. If any such item is found on your person, it will be confiscated and your College/ University will be notified.
  7. Repeated entry and exit from the Campus within one day is prohibited for security reasons. Entry is allowed until 2 PM, but exit is once during the day. Think carefully about whether you forgot something before entering.
  8. No person shall have unrestricted access to all areas of the venue. If found trespassing any area which is unauthorized, strict action will be taken.
  9. The decision made by the Organizing Committee will be final and binding.
  1. To ensure participant and organizer safety, a Undertaking is required to be submitted once you arrive on campus.
  2. The same will be an online form that will be shared with you once you arrive on campus.
  3. No entry would be permitted without a valid Undertaking submission.
  1. All payments will be made in the name of Plaksha University via the Razorpay portal using the links available at each event's page.
  2. The amounts are final and non-negotiable.
  3. The amounts are inclusive of GST and other taxes.
  4. The payments have to be made immediately for the registration process to start.
  5. Walk-in registrations are not allowed.
  6. Participants must retain proof of payment (transaction receipt or payment confirmation) and present it upon request for verification (digital or physical). This must clearly show the Transaction Reference Number.
  7. Registrations are a two-step process. Please follow the procedure here.
  8. No changes to team composition or participant informationwill be allowed after registration has been confirmed. Ensure all participant details are accurate before completing the process.
  9. Participants will receive a confirmation email after completing the payment process. They will also receive an email/message confirmation regarding their team's registration within 3 days. This confirmation must be presented at the venue for entry.
  10. Only the person(s) whose nameis on the registration may attend the event. Sharing of registrations is not allowed. Transferring registrations is not allowed.
  11. The organizers reserve the right to make final decisions on all matters.
  1. Refunds will only be processed in cases of event cancellation or unforeseen issues from the organizers end.
  2. Refunds will be made to the Team Leader through available bank transfer methods.
  3. Refunds will NOT be issued for:
    1. Participant no-shows or cancellations.
    2. Changes in personal circumstances, including travel or health-related issues.
    3. Disqualification from the event due to violation of rules or misconduct.
    4. Registration for overlapping events.
  4. Disputes regarding refunds must be raised within 7 working days from the date the event cancellation or issue was communicated. After this period, no claims will be entertained.